I had been planning on cleaning out the food cupboard for a couple of weeks. I've slowly been doing the freezers and fridge and have pretty much finished. I also have a suspicion that we have a visitor of the small furry variety (the dog has been going nuts). So this means today I clean out the crap and make sure that everything is in nibble proof containers. I'm working on the premise that no food source equels no visitor.
So I started pulling out everything. I had a keep pile, a chuck pile and a give away pile. You know how you're at the supermarket and some packet thing looks good and easy? So you buy it and put it away and forget about it? Well we had some that were 2 years out of date. These were chucked.
There were also the packets/jars you buy just before you start reading and changing your lifestyle. These have been bagged up to give away. Then there are my most recent purchases: coconut flour, whole peanuts, dried beans. These are in nibble proof containers. I'm suprised that I didn't find a mutant furry animal in there (mutated from all the chemicals in the packets).
I'm now going to buy 3 whiteboards (fridge, freezer and cupboard). This way I can list everything that is in that area and see what I have. That way I can use everything that we buy and cut down on waste.
What scary items are lurking in the back of your cupboard? (out of date weight watchers mousse anyone?)
Full disclosure I've been a little bit slack the last couple of days- white bread when I visited the hospital for example. I'm getting back on track by packing snacks and lunch items when I go out
LOL I'm fairly good at keeping up to date with what food I've got, usually run out of things pretty quick. The area though that I usually find out of date things is the fridge. I go through all the jars e.g. mustard, pickles etc and make sure they are in date, then next time I do it I'm always surprised to find things out of date by 6 months or something. Wasn't it only the other week I did it? Hmmm that year went by fast! hehe