I have been feeling stressed. I've been wishing for more time. There was so much more I wanted to do.
Well now I have an extra three days. How? You ask. Due to necessity I've had to go from working five days to only two. Stella's after school cater informed me yesterday that she can only have her two days a week. I have no other options. Work is letting me job share which is great. I get to spend more time with Stella (I'm with Breanna all day), I'll have time to garden, cook more and have some me time.
All good things. The money will be less but I've managed before and I will again. It just means less impulse buys, grow more food, cook more and maybe learn to sew. Less stressed mummy will be better for the girls (and for me).
Sometimes fate needs to step in so we can make some changes. This will be all good.
I'm really happy for you about this! It sure was fate wasn't it! Sometimes its easier for someone/something else to make the decision for you!