Thursday, 2 August 2012

Liebster Awards

I have been nominated by Neenish Arts for the Liebster Blog Awards.
This is an award for up & coming bloggers with less than 200 followers - so I sure qualify!

The conditions are:
1. Each person must most 11 facts about themselves
2. Each person must answer 11 questions set by the person who tagged them
3. Each person must set 11 questions for the people they tag
4. You then choose 11 people & link them to your post
5. Tell them you tagged them
6. No tag backs!

Unfortunatley I don't know any blogs that I read with less than 200 followers, so I can't tag anyone. But I will answer the questions and reveal the facts (Just the facts Jack, just the facts....LA Confidential).

11 Facts About Me

1. I do adult ballet. Im not that great at it but I love it. I started up 5 years ago and I should be doing a higher level class than the one Im doing. I can't make it to the higher level class though so I stay with my saturday class. When I was pregnant with Breanna I continued doing ballet. I did a class on the Saturday including all the jumps & turns and i had her on the Friday. She was backstage at the end of year concert at one week old.

2. I don't feel the cold as much as other people. In winter I hardly wear jumpers or jackets. Conversley I'm not that good in the heat.

3. I love Russel Crowe (that explains the LA Confidential quote above). I dont love, love him. I just think he's a fantastic actor and hot.

4. I'm addicted to gossip websites (DListed & crazy days and nights). I have to limit myself to reading them otherwise nothing gets done.

5. I can not stand seafood. No not even prawns. Hate it all. But I will cook it for my kids.

6. I love vintage and retro stuff. I don't have a favourite era and I will mix and match. I also dont have a set style. I can wear girly, rock chick, hippy etc just depends on my mood.

7. I  love all different types of music. As part of my new life/new me I plan on starting to see bands again.

8. I have 11 piercings. I did have 13 but I let 2 close up. 8 piercings are in my ears.

9. I use the same Sally from Nightmare before Christmas cup every morning. It holds a cup and a half of coffee and its a really cool cup.

10. I try to be organised/planned. I start with good intentions or have good ideas for organising stuff but I never finish/follow through.

11. I am never late (maybe once or twice). I am always early. Being late makes me anxious. Even if I have to get up earlier I make sure I get somewhere when I'm meant to.

11 Questions set by Neenish Arts

1. What prompted you to start a blog and for how long have you been blogging?
I've always liked writing things down and this is an extenstion on that. I have been blogging for maybe 3 months now.

2. Do you forgive and forget or do you hold a grudge?
I try not to hold a grudge, but if you really screw me over I will cut you out of my life. This does take a lot to happen though. People may p**s me off and I get angry and rant and rave but I do generally get over it.

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
Where do I start? I would love to travel everywhere!!

4. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes twice.

5. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Not that I know of. If I have I am truly sorry.

6. What's the best meal you have ever cooked?
Slow cooked (8 hour) Morroccan leg of lamb with red onion tagine. Was a beautiful meal.

7.What makes you laugh?
My girls, the kids at work, watching the chickens, some shows on the ABC. The other day I killed myself laughing after I saw the 2 to 3 year old bathroom at work. They had trashed it with red paint, including a hand print on the wall.

8. What makes you cry?
Cruelty - to children, people, animals, the environment.  War. When I don't do things perfectly.
Toy Story 3, P.S I love you, Gladiator.

9. Whats your favourite book?
I dont have a favourite but I love anything by Kerry Greenwood, Terry Pratchett, Janet Evanovich. I also love Living the Good Life, Animal Mineral Vegetable, oh Jasper Fforde and Lisa Lutz.

10. If you could live in a t.v show, what would you pick?
Modern Family. I could be Lily's nanny.

11. Have you had any encounters with a celebrity?
I have met Costas from gardening Australia.

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